The Sleepover Club: Goblin Mode Captures the Mood of the Moment

This week we're joined by Polyester socials editor and regular podcast guest Eden Young to dissect the mood of the moment, Goblin mode. Call it going feral, call it whatever you want, but we're all obsessed with exposing the very worst part of ourselves online.

Ione and Eden dissect statements from Goblin Mode viral article author Kari Paul, and illustrator Esme Blegvad, to get to the bottom of why at this moment we're all obsessed with embracing our inner goblin.

But are all goblin modes made equal? Or is this just another bid for influencers and privileged women to perform relatability online? And who does goblin mode leave behind? And is the trend even hear to stay? We discuss all this and much more.


The Sleepover Club: Why Being a Hater is So Much Fun


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