The Sleepover Club: Why Can't We Leave Britney Alone? Because TikTok Correspondents are Turning us All Into Monstrous Tabloid Journalists

Britney Spears is once again the focus point of internet gossip. The conspiracy theories grow more outlandish by the minute; from the pop star having a body double, to her husband placing her in a new conservatorship and pushing the star in front of a green screen to create Instagram content.

But unlike in the early 00s, we now all have the ability to comment, dissect, and tear apart celebrities behaviour. No longer is the worst person online Perez Hilton, because millions of us on TikTok are elongating his legacy; using celebrities pain to generate engagement and boost our own profiles.

Are we sleepwalking into another nightmare, in which marginalised celebrities are treated with no regard for their wellbeing? Ione and Eden discuss.


The Sleepover Club: Is Lucky Girl Syndrome Real?


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